Accepted File Formats

We accept artwork in the following formats:

  • PDF (print resolution)
  • CMYK TIF (print resolution)
  • Photoshop (EPS, TIF, PSD)
  • Illustrator (please convert all text to paths/curves)

You need to ensure all supporting images, files and fonts are included. A minimum resolution of 150dpi (CMYK colour) at the full printed size is required (1:1 scale). We recommend you supply us images in the highest resolution possible as this will provide the best quality result for your banner.

Note: Photoshop files/scans/images should be 600 dpi at ¼ of the size. This will avoid any pixellation of the image due to low-resolution. Images can be in RGB or CMYK in eps or tiff format. Jpeg encoding can be used with eps files to minimize file sizes.

You can request a template or artwork specification for any product from our sales person.


Colour Matching

Full colour graphics are based on the Pantone CMYK Colour Matching System. We cannot gurantee an exact colour match, but we will come as close as possible (just as long as you provide us with the Pantone CMYK Colour Code when placing your order). Variables relating to individual substrates, heat and dyes might have an affect on the final artwork appearance.


Submitting Your Files

You can send us your artwork through our website or through the mail.

For mail submissions: Send your artwork on CD by express post – mail to: Unit 4, 14 Sheridan Close, Milperra NSW 2214. Please make sure you label your CD with your company name and invoice number so we can track the artwork to your order.

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